It is time for the Best In Beauty Competition round 3! And thanks to all of you lovely subscribers/followers, I have made it this far! This week both group 1 and 2 are coming together to create one giant super group. 2 people will be eliminated this week, so I will need your help yet again to get me through to round 4!
This week we were asked to create a video reviewing a product/products we love! After much consideration I realised there was not a product I loved THAT much to create a whole video around it. Don't get me wrong I love doing little bite size reviews of products, but this video had to be super special. And so I have decided to share with you all my summer essentials!
As a pale ghost lady, summer is a bit of a tricky time of year for me. I burn like a Lobster if I'm in the sun for more than 10 minutes, so I have collected certain products over the years to keep my English rose complexion (or improve it). So lets get started shall we!
Palmers Cocoa Butter Natural Bronze

RRP: £2.67! BARGAIN!
Piz Buin 1 Day Long Lotion
Where do I start with this miracle sun cream? Oh yeh... It is the bestest sun cream on the planet! Since I was a kid I've had to put up with constantly being slathered in sticky, greasy factor 50. One wrong move and horrendous burning will occur. This allows me to apply my sun cream ONCE! Slap it on in the morning before going out in the sun and bish bash bosh, no more applications necessary. This smells divinely of holidays, it's a little greasy at first but soon soaks in. I always forget I'm wearing it and can therefore carry on with whatever fun in the sun I may be having! I have never ever burned whilst wearing this, even way down at SPF10 and that's saying something. Plus it's waterproof! What more could you possibly want!
RRP: £12.99 100ml or £19.99 200ml
Vaseline Aloe Fresh Body Gel/Lotion
I went to Boardmasters in Newquay a few years ago and burnt one foot really badly. However because everyone was burning, all of the after sun had completely sold out! My sister suggested I get something with Aloe Vera in and the rest is history. This is better than any after sun. I usually slather it all over the burn a couple of times a day and it moisturises amazingly. It takes all the sting out and even helps the red raw burn go a nice golden brown! I usually use the lotion but I've also used the gel, which is better if you want something that soaks into the skin quickly.
RRP: £2.99 200ml or £4.69 400ml (This stuff also comes in spray form!)
Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Skin Protectant
A must have for burned or even just flaky, dry lips. I love to put this on before I go to bed (as it is quite greasy) then the next morning, baby soft lips! If you burn your lips, this really helps to moisturise them and get them back to their normal lippy selves.
RRP: £25.00 50ml
Maybelline Color Tattoos
If I ever want some eye shadows to tough through the sweat and hot weather, these are my guys. These are long wearing cream shadows, easily buildable and don't crease! I have a few of theses but my favourite every day ones are Metallic Pomegranate, Pink Gold & On and On Bronze.
These can also be built to give a really vibrant opaque colour, or you can lightly blend them over the lid for a bit of a wash. Perfect for day to night looks!
RRP: £4.99 each
Revlon Lip Butters
I love these in summer because of how moisturising they are! (Starting to see a pattern here?) They do have a habit of melting like a crazy mo-fo in heat so that is an issue. I find if I'm carrying them around in my handbag they stay cool enough to not melt into a pretty coloured puddle. I have only 3 of these! I don't know why though, I think I need a Lip Butter shopping trip.
I only really wear Juicy Papaya and Cupcake during the hotter months, but I do love Raspberry Pie so I didn't want to leave it out. Juicy Papaya and Cupcake are really sheer, making them perfect for putting on without a mirror, sometimes a necessity when on the go.
RRP: £7.99 each
Maybelline Dream Touch Blush
I love these cream blushes from Maybelline, purely because they are super pigmented and long wearing! I've had really dry skin lately so this blush in Berry has been my savior. It is really easy to blend and gives a lovely smooth rosey finish!
RRP: £6.49 each
Finally make sure you vote for me in the Best In Beauty Competition hosted by YouTuber JenLuvsReviews! All you have to do to vote is click on this lovely link http://youtu.be/yj1bqLdolEU and type my name (Cheshire Cat) into the comments section! You can also vote for a whopping 3 other contestants! That's 4 votes in total! If you do want to use all 4 of your votes, make sure you put them all in one single comment. Thank you sooooo much guys! And my final question to you?
What are your summer must haves?