Sunday 22 June 2014

The Sunday Post: Shopping Trips and TV Binges

Compared to previous weeks I've actually had a pretty interesting week, and next week is looking just as promising. It was, of course, Father's Day last Sunday, so I went rummaging through our big cardboard box of family photos. Trying to find pictures of my dad is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. He's not one for cameras and usually you'll try and sneak up on him, only to catch him grimacing and blurry from running away. Despite the challenge I found a couple of him looking normal, the black and white picture at the bottom is one of my favourites, he was a bit of a 'dirty hippy' in the 70's (his words, not mine!). I think I definitely get my colouring from my mother, I couldn't be further from that jet black hair and dark eyes! 

The week then turned into a massive TV show binge, there was the finale of Game Of Thrones, which was awesome! (No spoilers!) Then I needed something to fill the gaping GOT void in my heart, so I started on Orange Is The New Black, that was a mistake. I managed to finish season 1 in about 3 days and I can't wait to get onto season 2 but I fear that my life will disappear before my very eyes. 

To top off a pretty good week, I went to the Lymm Food Festival. Lymm is a little village on the outskirts of Warrington and it is so beautiful, definitely up there with my top 10 places in the UK. There were lots of food stalls serving generous portions of various cuisines, as a big foodie, I very nearly ate myself into a coma. If you want a little sneak peak I vlogged the day so make sure you check out my YouTube channel on Monday 23rd June. 

Finally, I had a girly shopping trip with my mum and sister to Cheshire Oaks, being poor I did not purchase anything but I did start to look for graduation outfits, which I should have done a while ago what with my graduation fast approaching. A Pizza Express was consumed, I was chased into a shop by the Yo Sushi! mascot and I finished the day off with a satisfying whippy ice cream. 

Overall a pretty exciting week for me! Let me know what you guys got up to in the comments and let me know if you're in the 'about to graduate' club! 


  1. I love all the photos on your blog! Good composition and editing. My friend talked me into watching the first episode of Orange is the New Black and I thought it was really interesting. I'd like to read the book before I watch the entire series though.

    1. Thank you! The book is supposed to be pretty different to the TV show but I would definitely recommend the show, it just gets better and better :D

  2. Looks like a fab week! I'm gutted that GoT is over, but I think OITNB may be my new program of choice for the moment :)

    1. There are so many shows I need to catch up on, I need to get up to date with Supernatural, OITNB season 2, True Blood and get back to watching Hannibal!

  3. I'm feeling so behind with game of thrones! Really need to catch up. It looks like you've had a good few weeks. I really enjoy sunday posts Gisforgingers xx

    1. I'm glad you like them! I had to make sure I was on top of GOT, all my Facebook friends post spoilers haha x

  4. The Game of Thrones finale was so awesome! I can't handle that the series has finished though, cannot wait for more! :D


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