Wednesday 22 October 2014

My Short-Term Goals

After writing my post 'The Importance of Short-term Goals' and talking about how short-term goals are important to our overall wellbeing, I had a few requests for a post all about my personal short term goals. There are a few, some have time scales some are just free flowing, some are very personal and some are just for a good laugh. 

  • Bake more cupcakes. One of my biggest passions that I always let slip. I've been a lover of baking and eating cupcakes for many years and I have recently made it a little goal to bake at least 10 recipes from my Hamlyn's Cupcakes recipe book (People at my work will be very happy to hear this).
  • Finish my Buddhism Plain and Simple ebook and start on Neil Gaiman's American Gods.
  • Finish therapy having worked through the issues I seem to be extremely reluctant to face.
  • Shed these few pounds I've put on over the past few months (it's only like 5lbs).
  • Finally get around to designing some business cards for our little production company my friend and I are thinking of starting up.
  • Code at least 3 layouts ready for the new year.
  • Do Vlogmas.

Some are obviously more personal than others and I'm not in any rush to get any of them over with. Even though they may seem like mundane things that most people can get done in a week, these are all things that I have a hard time motivating myself to do. I have these things written in a notebook, but I want to get a little blackboard to hang above my desk so I can write them on there. I try and look at these everyday to give me a sense of direction, it helps me to focus and it's also super satisfying to tick them off once you've finally completed them. I already asked what your short-term goals are in my last post, but what short-term goals have you already completed? What goals did you reach recently that gave you the most satisfaction? 

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