Friday 30 January 2015

4 Apps To Keep You Organised and On Track

Four Apps To Keep You Organised and On Track

I am one of those guilty people who have their phone stuck to their hand 24 hours a day. I check it before I go to sleep and I check it again as soon as I wake up. But I have an excuse, so hear me out. I'm currently doing a full-time internship in Manchester, as well as working weekends at a part-time job and running this blog (which I've been working my little butt off on these past couple of weeks) oh, and I'm training for my first ever 5K. 

As you can see I'm fairly busy, which means that I have to be more organised than I have ever been in my life. To do that, I need a trusty handful of apps to keep me up to date on what I'm doing that day and anything I'm yet to get round to. 

Calendars - My first priority is to keep my time scheduled. On my iMac I use Google Calendars to keep all my posts, admin, intern work and extra blogging stuff scheduled down to the minute, but unfortunately Google haven't released a Google Calendar app yet. So instead I use the Calendars app, it syncs perfectly with Google Calendars and allows me to see everything I have to do and edit anything that needs moving around. 

Evernote - You can't have a list of super helpful apps without mentioning Evernote. It took me a while to really get into the swing of using it, but now it's a must when new blog ideas come popping into my head. I love that they are cross platform, so I can look at all of my notes on my iPad and on my desktop, making it easy to keep track of all my ideas. 

Google Drive - I used to be an avid fan of good old Dropbox, but recently I've really been loving Google Drive. It just feels a little easier to use and I've been using it to store PDF's on my phone so that I can easily apply for jobs on my job apps. If you have to share large files with a team or a client, this is super easy to use and easy to keep track of what you've sent and what people have sent to you.

Pocket - This is a great one for bloggers. This handy little app allows you to save any articles you find or videos and keep them all in a little 'Pocket'. It's great if you are on your daily commute and find a really interesting article you want to reference in your next blog post, you just click save and it goes zooming over to the app. 

What are your favourite apps to keep organised? Do you like to keep as scheduled as I do? Or are you more of a 'go with the flow' person? 

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