Wednesday 28 January 2015

January Reads: Posts that have inspired and motivated

January Reads: Posts That Have Inspired and Motivated

As you can probably tell, blogging is a huge passion of mine. When people ask me where I get my inspiration from it's simple, blogs. I love what blogging has become and I especially love the amazing business minded young women who have popped up and are taking the internet by storm. 

This month, with the change of focus here on my blog, I've been reading more blogs than ever. Here are a few of the posts that have really inspired me this month, both in my blogging life and in my personal, non-digital life. 

Creating Catchy Headlines by Elle & Co - Such a great post to help anyone struggling to nab those catchy headlines. Your headline is one of the most important aspects of your post, its purpose is to grab your potential readers and bring them into your world. Getting it right can be a little tricky, but Lauren makes some excellent points to help you out. 

7 Signs You're Blogging About Too Many Topics by xoSarah - Something I think all us bloggers should keep in mind as we grow and develop our blogs. I've been guilty of it in the past and all of the signs Sarah pointed out, I can relate to 100%. Now that I've changed my blog focus and narrowed down my blog subject, I've noticed a huge difference in my creativity and ability to come up with post ideas. Sarah really hits the nail on the head and gives you something to think about when planning your next few posts. 

5 Resources For Learning To Code by Alyssa Barnes - I'm all for encouraging people to learn to code and this post from Alyssa lists some amazing resources for those of us that don't have the time, or endless funds to go back to school. I encourage you to give this a look and check out some of the sites Alyssa recommends, especially if you're a blogger or online business owner. 

Calligraphy Beginnings by Teresa Watts - A bit of an odd one out in my list, but a very important one that has had a massive effect on me this month. For 2015 I decided I wanted to spend a little less time on the internet and get back to my more practical, analog creativity. I've always loved drawing and painting (my grandad was a watercolour artist and my sister is an artist and photographer, so you could say it's in the blood) and after finding Teresa's post about learning calligraphy I decided to give it a go. In case you're wondering, it's a lot harder than it looks. Teresa recommended a great beginner book (which I instantly bought off Amazon) to learn copperplate and so far I've been loving it! 

What posts have you read this month that have inspired or motivated you? Have you taken up a new hobby due to an amazing blog post? 

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