Sunday 8 February 2015

Strip Down Sunday: Dealing With Creative Inadequacy

As I sit here, in my fleecy penguin pyjama bottoms and Pink Floyd t-shirt, I am filled with a sense of creative inadequacy. I've just been having a lazy Sunday read through my Bloglovin feed and I did the thing bloggers should never do, I started to compare myself with others. A voice that says my content just isn't up to par, or as amazing as it should be, has made it's way inside my brain and is basically sitting in a comfy arm chair grilling me about how I can't come up with unique ideas (in my brain it's also smoking a cigar in a red velvet smoking jacket). 

I found a good 3-4 posts on my feed that were around topics I've covered in the past couple of weeks or have scheduled ready to go live, and every single one was more detailed, had a friendlier tone and was easier to understand than what I've written. So yeh, today's one of those days where I'm beating myself up a bit, we all have them right?

All my posts are scheduled about 2-3 weeks in advance of them going live, which on the one hand is great for organisation purposes, but it also means I have time to doubt my work. So what do I do? Do I delete all the work I've done and go back to the drawing board? No! I stop that tiny voice in my brain (it's also the same voice that tells me to eat a whole jar of Nutella with a spoon) and I think about what I have achieved and where I am in my blogging career. 

I'm having to remind myself that the amazing blogs I follow have been writing their content for years and have all gone through those first blogging bumps. The beginning of this year I completely changed my blogs focus, and although I kept my old blog and re-branded, I have to remember that this is technically a new blog and I'm very much starting from scratch. 

Since changing my focus I've had such a positive response from you guys and everyone has been so supportive. I've always been pretty hard on myself when it comes to my own creativity and with this new content, I'm still finding my feet and figuring things out.

Changing focus has changed my view on success and what I want from my blog, before I thought it was about how many people clicked the follow button, but now I get so much more joy out of people saving or simply liking my posts. I get so excited when I see people have commented and I've noticed a huge difference in how people engage with my content and I love that! 

So yes, we bloggers may preach that you should never compare yourselves to others, but sometimes human nature takes over and we have to take a step back (or in my case have a hot chocolate... I wonder if I have some Nutella?) so thank you to everyone who has supported me so far and I look forward to you guys reading the content I've got lined up!

Cat x

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