Saturday 28 June 2014

#SongOfTheWeek: Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Baardsen Remix)

This weeks #SongOfTheWeek comes from Dan Croll, yet another song I discovered in the Spotify UK Viral 50 playlist. This one is similar to others I've posted in the past, you might start seeing a pattern. Another chilled out tune with lots of awesome electric beats, nothing too heavy but enough to get you moving. 

The thing I love the most about this track is when the beat drops after the first verse and that pulsing electric riff kicks in. This is the Baardsen Remix, the original isn't quite as electric heavy and it's a lot more indie/rock. 

There's not much more I can say about this, if you love your electric Chillout music and you've loved my other songs of the week then you'll probably fall in love with that riff like I did. 

1 comment:

  1. I've not had time to listen to a massive amount of his stuff but from what I have heard he sounds amazing! I can't stop listening to this remix :) x


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