Wednesday 31 December 2014

New Years Blog Resolutions For 2015

The new year always means a new start and after the year I've had, a new start is exactly what I need. Not only has my health and personal life been a little rocky these past few months, but I've also had to deal with the idea of choosing a life long career.

I mentioned in my last post that I was feeling a little disheartened with my content. I've been writing beauty, lifestyle and fashion content on this blog for 2 amazing years and I've loved every minute. But as my blog has grown, so have I and my focus has shifted considerably. 

I should also mention the change in name. I will no longer be known as Lilac Ghosts, I'll only be known as my actual name, Cat Crawford. It just means that my blog feels a little more personal to me. I never could come up with a name that accurately represented my personality, so I've stopped trying. 

I owe blogging a great deal, it's improved my writing, my photography and even my social skills. It's given me an escape and a place to flood with the creativity I never really express in everyday life. Blogging has opened so many doors to me and in 2015, I'm hoping it can help to open a few more.

So, what are my blogging resolutions for 2015?
  • To keep on top of my content by scheduling and planning in advance. 
  • To change the focus of my content to something I am passionate about and write posts that not only entertain but also help other bloggers. 
  • To attend more networking events to allow me to meet other bloggers with the same passions and interests. 
  • To have more confidence in my own creativity and stop doubting my ability to create good content. 
  • To push myself to explore untouched blogging territory. Just because other people aren't writing it, doesn't mean people don't want to read it. 

There's probably a few more floating at the back of my brain, but for now, these are the key resolutions I want to focus on in the new year. 

I would just like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has stuck around during my little break and I hope you'll all stick with me as I develop this blog into something I can truly be proud of. 

Happy New Year everyone!

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